The items are available now for reservations and will be minted soon on the FOTON Marketplace. A maximum of 20 items is allowed per user or wallet account. To make a reservation follow the process below.
Reservation process:
1. Each item requires 250 XRD (Radix tokens) in exchange for 1 TKR reservation token which can be used to mint the artwork on the FOTON Marketplace when it goes live.
2. Send the XRD amount to this IRREVERSIBLE Radix account:
Or scan the QR code directly with your Radix Wallet to add the IRREVERSIBLE address as the receiving Account.
3. In up to 24 hrs you will receive back the TKR tokens. We do it manually for now! Example: for 4 Artworks send >>> 4 x 250 XRD = 1000 XRD. You will get 4 TKR tokens back to use for minting on FOTON.
Disclaimer! - IRREVERSIBLE or its team is not responsible in any way if your transactions go wrong. Do not send XRD directly from exchanges, only private wallets! Make sure the address is written in full and that it is the correct one. Do not use Ethereum Wallets for sending tokens, like Metamask or etc. You should use only the official Radix Wallet which can be downloaded here.
The TKR tokens are not divisible and stay as whole numbers to avoid fragmentation. Their only use case is to facilitate the minting process for the artwork. The artworks will be distributed randomly at the time of minting and might have minor visual adjustments.
Be aware for fake tokens and scammers! We will send only from the official account placeholder tokens and communicate only via the official accounts. Don't send XRD to any other accounts!
TKR token image in the Radix Wallet.