3. In approx. 24 hrs you will receive back the TKR tokens. We do it manually for now.Example: for 4 Artworks send >>> 4 x 300 XRD = 1200 XRD. You will get 4 TKR tokens back to use for minting on FOTON when it goes live.
3. In approx. 24 hrs you will receive back the TKR tokens. We do it manually for now.Example: for 4 Artworks send >>> 4 x 300 XRD = 1200 XRD. You will get 4 TKR tokens back to use for minting on FOTON when it goes live.
The landing page and branding was shaped around the idea of modular elements that can be stored similar to a honeycomb. Data is the honey of the digital age.
Artwork for the NFT access badges generated by the application during the Log-In system. Based on their ownership the users gain access to the dashboard and all the files stored on IPFS.
The navigation and main actions are straight forward and familiar to web2 applications despite the web3 features.