3. In approx. 24 hrs you will receive back the TKR tokens. We do it manually for now.Example: for 4 Artworks send >>> 4 x 300 XRD = 1200 XRD. You will get 4 TKR tokens back to use for minting on FOTON when it goes live.
3. In approx. 24 hrs you will receive back the TKR tokens. We do it manually for now.Example: for 4 Artworks send >>> 4 x 300 XRD = 1200 XRD. You will get 4 TKR tokens back to use for minting on FOTON when it goes live.
The trading UI of the app uses a simple grid with sharp delimitations between the different utility panels. Based on the hierarchy of the actions available in the app, the elements are highlighted accordingly. Panels such as the Swapping token one pops up with lighter colors, while passive panels such as the Order Book blend in the background.
The homepage of the project follows within the same guidelines, with a sharp geometric layout and a straight informative table with all the token pairs listed on the DEX, and summaries about the milestones reached in terms of volume, pairs, liquidity and so forth.